What is Autism


Autism is described by The National Autistic Society as 'a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them'.

Autism is a spectrum condition, meaning that no two people with autism will be affected in the same way, despite sharing many of the same difficulties. Some people with autism will have associated learning disabilities or mental health issues.

The main thing that all people with autism do share (to different degrees) is difficulties with the following:

  • SOCIAL COMMUNICATION - interpreting both verbal and non-verbal language like gestures or tone of voice; understanding jokes and sarcasm; understanding common phrases and sayings.
  • SOCIAL INTERACTION - 'reading' other people - recognising or understanding others' feelings and intentions - and expressing their own emotions; understanding norms of social contexts.
  • SOCIAL IMAGINATION - understanding and interpreting other people's thoughts, feelings and actions; difficulty predicting what will, or what could, happen next; understanding the concept of danger; engage in imaginative play and activities; prepare for change and plan for the future; coping in new or unfamiliar situations.

Autism assessments can be undertaken either in my premises or in your own home depending on your preference. Please feel free to contact me regarding assessment details including length of assessment and costings.



The Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders was developed for use at The Centre for Social and Communication Disorders, by Dr. Lorna Wing and Dr. Judith Gould, as both a clinical and research instrument for use with children and adults of any age.
Its special value is that it collects information concerning all aspects of each individual's skills, deficits and untypical behaviour, not just the features of autism spectrum disorder.


The Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised is used to assess individuals suspected of having autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It is useful as an aid to formal diagnosis as well as treatment and educational planning. It can be used with children and adults with a developmental age above two years.


The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition can be used to evaluate almost anyone suspected of having ASD from one year olds with no speech, to adults who are verbally fluent.
It presents various activities that elicit behaviours directly related to a diagnosis of ASD. By observation and coding of these behaviours, information can be obtained to inform diagnosis, treatment planning, and educational placement.