Psychological Assessment and Intervention can take many forms and my aim is to give you some insight into what those forms may look like. Assessment and intervention are not always separate processes.
Sometimes assessment becomes an intervention by way of increasing client motivation; providing greater insight and understanding into the presenting issues; establishing rapport between client and therapist; and sometimes just simply by being listened to.
As a person-centred therapist who acknowledges that everyone is an individual, both assessment and intervention procedures are tailored according to the needs, wishes and presentation of each individual.
Psychological Assessment & Intervention

Psychological Assessment
Initial Assessment - the first session where client(s) and therapist discuss the presenting issues and decide on a way forward. The more information the therapist is given, the more successful and timely the intervention will be.
A formulation will be jointly developed and SMART goals agreed (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely). Initial assessment also allows for rapport to be built between client(s) and therapist, arguably one of the most important factors of a therapeutic relationship.
Questionnaires - these are chosen depending on the presenting difficulties and are used as a way to measure success; not only for the therapist, but also for the client(s) to see the progress they have made. These are always given at the beginning and end of therapy, and sometimes at other points along the way.
Psychometrics - these are formal assessments that are sometimes used to assess things like cognitive ability, reading and grammatical ability, memory, dementia, learning disabilities, executive function, autism and many others.
Psychological Intervention
Once a formulation has been developed and SMART goals agreed, appropriate intervention will be discussed, including psycho-education and rationale for the particular intervention suggested. Feedback and questions from the client(s) are important at this stage, to ensure they are onboard and in full agreement with the proposed way forward.
Intervention can take anywhere from six weeks upward, depending on the presenting problem(s) and the type of intervention agreed, which is reviewed at six-weekly intervals. The client(s) can choose to terminate intervention at any point along the way, and feedback / evaluation is encouraged at any time.
'Endings' will be discussed a few sessions before goals are finally reached and the client(s) encouraged to discuss how they feel and how they would like the final session to run.
A 'relapse prevention' session will be offered between six and twelve weeks following the end of sessions, to check that all is well and to address any residual questions the client(s) may have. This is not obligatory.